Time has a tendency to get away from us. We often set a goal or come up with an idea that excites us, only to lose motivation because we've bit off a little more than we can chew. Creating a structured plan is the best way to keep up with those goals and avoid letting time slip away!
If getting your home cleaned up and detoxed is on your list of things to do, it's your lucky day! The Zerorez team has created the ultimate 30-Day Home Detox Challenge to help you break up the big, daunting task of transforming your home.
Each day, we'll focus on a specific area of your home with one daily action that helps eliminate toxins and promote a healthier lifestyle. We'll tackle every corner of your home to ensure a healthier, more comfortable living environment that frees up your headspace and helps you achieve a big win!
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Household toxins are seemingly everywhere, and without us even realizing it. Some of our everyday products, like air fresheners and cleaning products, could be adding unnecessary amounts of toxins to your home, which can ultimately have a negative impact on your health.
Many of these impacts are not immediately obvious but can have long-term health consequences. The two most common household toxins include:
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): VOCs are organic chemicals that vaporize at room temperature and can be emitted by a variety of household products. Common sources include paint fumes, air fresheners, adhesives, cleaning agents, and even some electronics. Health effects from exposure can range from eye, nose, and throat irritation to more serious effects like liver and kidney damage or cancer, particularly with long-term exposure.
Phthalates: These chemicals are typically associated with plastics and act as solvents in cosmetics and other consumer products. Phthalates can be found in products such as detergents, plastic clothes (raincoats), and personal-care products (soaps, shampoos, hair sprays). They are known to be endocrine disruptors, and regular exposure can lead to reproductive and developmental issues.
Eliminating all toxins isn't necessarily realistic, but there are ways you can dramatically reduce your exposure to toxins in your home.
While our detox guide will help you get started on eliminating some of the unnecessary toxins around your home, it's still important to be able to identify the different toxic products that you may have lying around.
Here are some tips and tricks for identifying what products contain VOCs and phthalates to help you choose what products stay and what products need to go.
1. Read Labels Carefully
For VOCs: Look for keywords on labels such as "low VOC," "VOC-free," or "no VOCs." These terms indicate that the product is safer for indoor air quality. Products like paints, varnishes, sealants, and cleaning products often list VOC content in grams per liter on the container. Avoid products that contain formaldehyde, benzene, ethylene glycol, and acetone.
For Phthalates: Phthalates aren't always directly listed since they are often part of "fragrance" or "perfume" in ingredient lists. Products labeled as "phthalate-free" or those that list all fragrance components are safer choices.
2. Choose Certified Products
Look for certifications that guarantee lower levels of toxins. For instance, GREENGUARD certifies products for low chemical emissions, including VOCs.
3. Research Product Ingredients
For more obscure products or in cases where labels are unclear, a quick online search of the product or its ingredients can reveal whether it contains harmful VOCs or phthalates.
Manufacturer websites often provide Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or detailed product information that includes ingredient listings and safety information.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) can also be a good guide to hidden health dangers in food, water, and everyday products.
We've explored the harmful effects of a couple of common household toxins, but what are the positive impacts that a low-tox environment can have on you and your family?
1. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Lowering the presence of airborne pollutants can improve the air quality indoors. Cleaner air reduces the risk of respiratory issues such as asthma, allergies, and other respiratory infections.
2. Stronger Immune System: Chemical irritants can tax the immune system, making it more susceptible to infections and diseases. A toxin-reduced environment supports immune health by limiting unnecessary immune responses.
3. Increased Overall Well-being: A less toxic environment contributes to overall well-being. Living in a clean, healthy home can reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and boost overall happiness and comfort.
Going through your home and checking for different toxins not only helps bring awareness to the chemicals you have in your space, but getting rid of them can reduce clutter and bring you and your family a sense of security.
Now that we know the benefits of a low-tox home and how to find those toxins, it's time to get started on tackling the areas of your home that contain toxins or messes so you can have a healthier, more comfortable living environment.
Get ready to detox your space and breathe easier in just 30 days!
Day 1: First things first, take stock of your plastic food containers. These often contain phthalates that can leach into your food, especially when microwaved. Replacing these containers with glass containers is a simple way to reduce toxins in your home and in your food immediately!
Day 2: Clean out your pantry of harmful chemicals and additives. Donate any non-perishable items you won't use to a local food bank and find healthier snack alternatives with more natural ingredients. Many of our favorite snacks have been recreated in healthier forms so we don't have to worry about giving up the things we love!
Day 3: Deep clean your refrigerator and pantry. Pull everything out and use a mix of vinegar and water to eliminate harmful odors and residues. This also allows you to reorganize everything and take inventory of what you have and what healthier swaps you could make.
Day 4: Detox your cookware! Swap Teflon (PTFE), aluminum, and copper pots and pans for stainless steel, cast iron, ceramic, glass, or stoneware ones. Swap plastic (especially black plastic) or aluminum cooking utensils for stainless steel, wood, bamboo, silicone, glass, or nylon ones.
Day 5: Replace chemical-based cleaning products with homemade natural cleaners using ingredients like baking soda and lemon for a cheap and effective alternative to harsh chemicals in your home!
Day 6: Empty out your kitchen cabinets and give them a thorough clean with our favorite DIY natural cleaner: a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water with a few drops of your favorite essential oil!
Day 7: Use boiled water to flush out your kitchen sink and pipes, reducing buildup and sanitizing naturally. You can also clean, sharpen, and deodorize your sink garbage disposal by putting cups of ice, sprinkled with coarse salt in your disposal, then putting some sliced lemons and baking soda in your disposal and running it.
Day 8: Commit to decluttering living spaces. While this can seem daunting, it's not as scary when you give yourself a limit of ten minutes per room. Remove items that don't enhance or serve a purpose in your home to free up physical (and mental) space for you and your family. See if you can fill one trash bag with things you no longer need!
Day 9: Time to dust! It's not usually at the top of the list of favorite chores, but it can make a huge difference in the way your home looks and feels. It might take time, and it may be tedious, but going room by room and dusting all your surfaces is a great way to improve your home's air quality and keep you feeling comfortable.
Day 10: Vacuum carpets and rugs, focusing on high-traffic areas to remove dirt and grime. If you notice any unsightly spots or stains in the process, refer to our Carpet Stain Removal Guide for help!
Day 11: Organize your closet and get rid of fabrics that could be harmful, including polyester, which contains microplastics and synthetic materials that are often treated with toxic chemicals before you buy them. Go through your closet and dresser drawers. Donate or sell clothes you no longer wear and replace them with healthier fabrics like linen, organic cotton, silk, wool, or hemp.
Day 12: Swap synthetic air fresheners for a bowl of baking soda hidden in your freezer, under your trash bags, or behind picture frames. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer, so you don't have to worry about covering up any odd smells in your home with toxic products. If you choose, you can purchase some flowers to give your home a natural, fresh scent, or you can add some indoor plants that can help improve your indoor air quality!
Day 13: Wash all bedding and curtains in hot water. This can help kill dust mites and remove allergens from your living spaces.
Day 14: Vacuum furniture and under cushions with a strong vacuum. Sprinkle with baking soda beforehand to naturally absorb some oils and odors. *Pro Tip: Call in the experts at Zerorez for a professional, post-holiday upholstery cleaning service!
Day 15: Wash any fabric shower curtains and bathmats to refresh your spaces and remove mildew and odors. Adding a dash of baking soda to your washer can help lift any lingering scents. If you have plastic liners for your shower curtains, consider replacing them with fabric ones. They don't offer the same waterproof effect, but they still prevent your bathroom floor from getting soaked!
Day 16: Purge expired, unused, and toxic personal care products. Make a list of healthier alternatives and purchase them the next time you go to the store.
Day 17: Create a natural cleaning paste for grout and tile using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Simply spread it onto your grout lines and start scrubbing with an old toothbrush or scrub brush. If you aren't interested in the backache of scrubbing your grout yourself, schedule a tile and grout cleaning service with Zerorez to expedite the process!
Day 18: Organize under the bathroom sink or wherever you keep your cleaning supplies and take inventory of any replacement products you may need. Think of empty spray bottles that you can fill with homemade solutions of water and vinegar or cleaning products from a GREENGUARD-certified company.
Day 19: Clean bathroom mirrors and glass using our DIY all-purpose cleaner-a 1:1 mixture of white vinegar and water with a few drops of your favorite essential oil-paired with a clean rag or newspaper.
Day 20: Replace disposable cleaning items with reusable rags that can be washed and reused for longevity. It might cost money now, but it helps you save in the long run.
Day 21: Introduce a potted plant to the bathroom to enhance air quality. Snake plants and a variety of pothos plants are great because they are low maintenance, love moisture, and don't require much light to survive.
Day 22: Purge electronic waste properly. Dedicate this day to gathering all outdated or broken electronic devices, such as old cell phones, broken appliances, old batteries, and chargers. Many of these items contain hazardous materials that shouldn't go into regular waste. Research local electronics recycling programs or find a certified e-waste recycling facility near you to ensure they are disposed of properly. This not only clears out unnecessary clutter but also helps prevent toxic elements like lead, mercury, and cadmium from harming the environment.
Day 23: Freshen up your laundry routine by using vinegar as a fabric softener as a non-toxic alternative.
Day 24: Start implementing a no-shoe rule to avoid tracking outdoor dirt and grime all over your home. Dedicate a specific area of your home as a place for people to take off their shoes to help implement the practice. You can purchase a shoe rack or leave shoes in a closet closest to the door, and the whole family can get house slippers to wear around for added comfort!
Day 25: Clean dryer vents and hoses to improve efficiency and safety. Zerorez offers both air duct and dryer vent cleaning services that help you keep your home operating efficiently. Plus, dryer vent cleanings can lessen your chance of a dryer-related housefire, keeping you and your family safe!
Day 26: Detox your digital space. Digital clutter can also contribute to stress in your daily life, and while there may not be literal toxins hiding in your email inbox, an overwhelming number of unread emails could affect your mental load. Spend the day Organizing your desktop, deleting old files, uninstalling unused apps, and clearing your browser history and cookies for a clean slate. This helps reduce stress and enhance productivity in your day-to-day life!
Day 27: Pull out and clean behind large appliances like the fridge and oven to eliminate dust, fallen scraps of food, and anything else that has found its way into these hard-to-reach areas. This not only cleans up your space and can eliminate strange odors emitted from rotting food products, but it also gives you peace of mind knowing that these areas of your home aren't hiding anything from view anymore.
Day 28: Purchase reusable or aesthetic boxes that allow you to organize things so everything has a home, eliminating clutter.
Day 29: Tidy up any junk drawers and properly recycle or dispose of unwanted or toxic household items.
Day 30: Finish your home detox by scheduling a Zerorez cleaning service for a final touch-up!
Getting your home cleaned is as easy as chipping away at chores one day at a time! After 30 days, your home will look and feel completely transformed, taking you into the New Year on a healthier, happier note!
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